Thursday, January 15, 2009

Jesus Weeps?

"Jesus wept." Can He do that? Can Almighty God, with the weight of the world on His shoulders, lay all that aside and weep like a man? The book of John says that when Jesus heard that His friend Lazarus was dead, He wept. To me, that's good news. Really good news. It means I'm not alone.

God seems to like to teach me things by experience rather than by simply telling me. I like that. I think He must know that I am a visual learner. Maybe that's why He chose to teach me about grief during a time when I was grieving. I took my grief to Him. I never mask anything from God because He sees everything in my heart anyway. David never hid anything from God either, and I think that's why so many people can relate to the Psalms. They are unedited, full-blown cries from David's soul to the throneroom of God. God does not seem to be afraid of David's honesty, so I really don't think tha He's afraid of mine.

When I came to God in sorrow, what did He do? Did He pat me on the back and say "Cheer up! Count your blessings!" No, He came into my grief and shared it with me. "Your rod and Your staff they comfort me." That word 'comfort' here actually means "to sigh deeply with intense emotion." With all the things on His mind, the God of the universe feels my pain so deeply that He Himself is actually grieved. Jesus is weeping with me. He is my Intercessor, Mediator, and Advocate. Those are all just fancy ways of saying He cares enough about my needs to take them to the Father for me.

That's good news.

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