Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Good Laugh

"If we are faithless, He remains faithful. He cannot deny Himself."
II Tim. 2:13

God and I laughed together today. I think I actually heard Him sitting in heaven, chuckling at me. I had been praying out loud while I was driving, and this is what I said: "God, I have faith in you." That's when I heard Him. His laugh said it all: "Well, you should! I never change; I'm always the same. I never fail! Never! I am ABLE! I am good, faithful, loving, forgiving. I have all power and all authority. I work miracles, answer prayer, speak things into existence, and I always, always follow through on My Word. Good thing you have faith in Me! I'm the only one in the universe that you can have faith in! In fact, I am the one who should be saying, 'I have faith in you!' "

Yeah, we laughed together at that. I thought about it and He's right. I am so fickle, so changing, emotional, moody, and faithless sometimes. God seems to never doubt me, or that I am able to do what He called me to do. So, if He never doubts me, why on earth should I doubt HIM? It made my cheeks flush to think about it ;)

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