Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Shouting on the Rooftop!

"Whatever I tell you in the dark speak in the light; and what you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops."

Matthew 10:27

Alicia Owens asked me the other day if I would consider blogging what I hear God saying to us as wives, mothers, and caretakers of the home. Truth be told, I've been wanting an outlet for things I hear from God, not only in that specific area, but in all areas of life. Most of the time, after I spend time with the Lord and fill up on what the Word is saying, I want to pour it all back out again on someone somewhere who would somehow be encouraged by my sharing it.

Only thing that stands in the way is my fear of what people will think and fear of my own pride. I've always kept a lot of my relationship with the Lord private because I thought that was the right thing to do, at least until I am humble enough to not let it go to my head, or until I let go of the fear of man. As if that day will ever come! I know that if I really do want to be in ministry someday, today even, I have to be willing to let go, to care only about what Jesus thinks of me. I have to make the choice to not care what anyone thinks - anyone, right down to my own husband, whether or not people misjudge me.

So here I go, putting the "pondering it in my heart" stuff aside, and going straight to shouting it on the rooftops! I want vulnerability to be a way of life for me, not only on the internet where no one can see who I really am, but in real life too. I figure, this is who I am, this is who God made me to be: someone who puts honesty first, all of me, the good, bad, and ugly. I firmly believe with all of my heart that this is a generation that needs children of God with hearts laid bare, not trying to appear perfect: they need people who are real. Whitewashing ourselves does not show the world the holiness of God; He wants jars of clay. Clay can be broken, but when we're in the Potter's hands, the remolding is His doing anyway.

With that, I open my heart. I open my heart to the Holy Spirit, to speak through me as He wills, and I open my heart to you, whoever you are, to show you that God really can speak through anyone. I will try to write daily, even if its just a few sentences, asking the Lord to bring encouragement to whoever might read it. May every word be written from a heart of worship and eyes focused on Jesus. He is worth giving every moment of our lives to the goal of seeing Him glorified, glorified, and glorified again.

1 comment:

  1. First of all OMG!!! You had/have a blog and never told me about it until now?!?!?!?!
    Oh Ang, I love you. Thank you so much for being willing to make yourself vulnurable. You are such a good writer and you always have such wisdom to share with me, I am glad that you are now sharing it with the blogging world. I am looking forward to reading your blog. I love you. I love the way you love God. I miss you friend
