Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Have You Arrived?

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..."

Matthew 28:19

I live my life like it's one big preparation time, leading up to a day when I will suddenly somehow ARRIVE. Arrive where, I don't know. Arrive at the level of faith I know I should have. Arrive at a place where I know I'm the woman God made me to be. Arrive on the "mission field." I don't honestly even think I know where it is exactly I'm aiming to arrive at!

So the question is: what about here and now? Am I spending so much time preparing for life, that I have forgotten to live?

I think of myself as one of those sometimes shady, often misunderstood "Great Commission police," also known as a "missionary." You know the kind: the ones that think that every Christian needs to sell out and move to a developing country in order to serve God. But I read something a few weeks ago that really caught my attention, and I've been thinking about it ever since. It said, "Maybe instead of reading, 'Go and make disciples,' the Great Commission should say, 'In your going, make disciples.' My first thought was to peg that as heresy, but think about it: does our ability to expand the Kingdom and further the ministry of Jesus depend on our physical address? Or our physical abilities, skills, 'level of faith,' or whatever else we might be waiting to arrive at before we deem ourselves able to minister? Or can He use us here and now?

What does it mean to obey His commission? What does a life totally sold out to Him look like?

I guess I'm leaving you with more questions than I am answers, but I believe that as we look the deep things of God in the eye, the Spirit Himself will write the answers on our hearts.

May the God of peace fill you with all hope in believing.

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